Confira a letra da música “Beautiful Life”, novo single do grupo global Now United.
Beautiful life lyrics
Beautiful life
I look at you and I see million stars
I’m so glad you came and stole my heart
Or for the better or for good
Or for the better or for you
He light up the sky like a billion lights
When I’m by your side, I’m in paradise
You’re the breath in my bones
You’re the fire in my soul
Oh what a beautiful life
With you what a beautiful..
What a beautiful
Oh what a beautiful (x2)
I see the sun
Shining over us like diamond ..
Shining over us oh so bright
All of the colors breaking through
A world for me and you yeahh
You light up the sky like a billion lights
When I’m by your side, I’m in paradise
You’re the breath in my bones
You’re the fire in my soul
Oh what a beautiful life
With you what a beautiful..
What a beautiful
Oh what a beautiful (x2)
When I’m with you I’m living a dream (x4)
When I am with you
It’s a beautifuuul liiiife yeah
Or for better or for good
Or for better or for you
Or for better or for you
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